group of employees from North Yard
San Jose Developing a Transformative Bike Plan
Stacey Hendler Ross

The City of San Jose is updating its bike plan to transform the streetscape into a place where bicycling is safe, convenient, and commonplace for people of all ages and abilities.

VTA will disperse 2016 Measure B funds, when they’re available, to pay for some of those projects which will be included in the San Jose Better Bike Plan 2025.

The city currently has 379 miles of bike lanes, and plans to add more. In order to decide where to invest and how biking through the city should improve in the future, The San Jose Better Bike Plan 2025 began gathering public input both online and in person in July of this year, including a bike plan workshop held at Emma Prusch Farm Park on Saturday, December 1. Bicyclists had a chance to mark up A map with ideas on where to put bike lanes on a whole suite of different kinds of bike infrastructure…including off street trails, protected and buffered bike lanes among other areas.

Starting in January, City planners will analyze the public feedback collected together with other data, use it to draft the plan, and recommend new projects and programs that support bicycling. The recommendations will be available for public review in the spring of 2019. City of San Jose anticipates having a completed draft plan available by fall 2019.

2016 Measure B funds, which will be managed by VTA, are eligible to pay for projects proposed in the Plan. Measure B bike projects could include bike lanes that cross city boundaries, trail connections or extensions, retrofitting trail segments that flood during heavy rains, a bike/ped bridge, or other corridor connections where the goals of San Jose’s Better Bike Plan and VTA’s Countywide Bike Plan are congruent.

For more information, visit the City of San Jose’s Better Bike Plan 2025 website.


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