Exterior of Gilroy Transit Center station
Share Your Ideas to Improve South County Transit

How do you use the Gilroy Transit Center? Do you walk, ride your bike, park your car and take transit? What improvements would enhance your ability to get to and from the station?

box for Gilroy Transit Center surveys
The survey will remain open until September 13, 2024.

VTA wants to improve the rider experience for customers who utilize the transit center, and we need your help to better understand how people use the station, and what changes they wish to see in the future. We want to hear from you!

A station access study is underway that is focused on identifying recommendations which may include improving bicycle connectivity, pedestrian access, wayfinding signage, transit passenger amenities, traffic calming measures, and other safety enhancements.

The study will develop access improvements and cost estimates for the station site and the surrounding area for future funding opportunities.

Complete the survey for a chance to win one of ­five clipper cards pre-loaded with $50 clipper cash that can be used on VTA, Caltrain, BART, or other Bay Area transit services.

Take the survey online, or visit one of the following locations and look for the drop box to complete a survey in person:

  • Gilroy Library - 350 W. Sixth Street, Gilroy
  • County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency - 7933 Wren Avenue, Gilroy
  • Gardner South County Health Center - 7526 Monterey Road, Gilroy

The survey will remain open until September 13, 2024.

For more information, visit vta.org/gilroystudy or contact VTA’s Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575/TTY(408) 321-2330, or email community.outreach@vta.org.


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