VTA National Preparedness Month Image
VTA Recognizes National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month and VTA is committed to building the readiness and resilience of the whole VTA community by providing essential tips proven to help people in times of emergencies. 

Start by making a plan that includes communication strategies, choosing meeting places, and packing a go-bag with essential supplies. Ensure you have a list of all family members’ phone numbers and emergency contacts. For older adults, assess specific needs, include necessary items like medicines, medical supplies, and insurance cards in a pre-packed kit.

Pet owners should prepare an emergency kit with food, water, and medicines, and ensure pets are microchipped with up-to-date contact information. Simple actions can save lives, so don't assume someone else has called 9-1-1. Calling for help allows professionals to coach you through the situation. You Are the Help Until Help Arrives.

We encourage you to download the following documents for more tips to help you and your family put a plan together, get prepared, build a pet emergency kit, and stay informed on the key actions to take in an emergency. Resources are also available through Listos California.

Remember, public transit is there to help you during emergencies. As a government organization VTA employees are considered disaster service workers responsible for the safety and security of our riders and the community. Stay informed, plan, and ensure everyone's safety during emergencies. Visit ready.gov for more information.

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