
July 22, 2022
It's Plastic-Free July – Join the Movement to Reduce Plastic Waste
As part of Plastic-Free July, we encourage VTA staff and our community to learn ways to reduce plastic waste. This article provides several resources and ideas to the help you reduce single-use...
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July 18, 2022
New Neighborhood Donation Recycling Stations at VTA locations
In an effort to increase textile recycling and lessen the amount of waste produced, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has partnered with Green Education Foundation nonprofit to introduce...
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June 13, 2022
Funds for One Bay Area Grant Program Available for County-Wide Projects
The Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has been awarded approximately $91 million from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to share in its third round of funding for the One Bay Area...
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May 16, 2022
May is Bike to Wherever Month!
Whether you bike to work or bike for pleasure, biking provides a green way to ride to your favorite destinations like the park, the store, or wherever your heart desires. Biking is not only healthy...
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May 11, 2022
VTA Awarded 2022-2023 Caltrans Sustainable Communities Grant
This article was contributed by Transportation Planner III Ian Lin and Principal Transportation Planner Robert Swierk. VTA is honored to be selected as a recipient of the Caltrans Fiscal Year 2022...
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April 22, 2022
Celebrating Earth Day by Taking Action
This Earth Day VTA joins over 100 transit agencies in pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This nation-wide effort is led by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to support President Biden’s...
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April 05, 2022
Back to Work with VTA: Vanpool
Returning to the office is the perfect opportunity to rethink your daily commute. Things are looking bright this Spring! As the Omicron variant subsides, Santa Clara County residents begin to return...
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March 15, 2022
Keep Santa Clara Valley Beautiful
Keep Santa Clara Valley Beautiful is a countywide, multi-agency initiative to clean and prevent littering on the highways in Santa Clara County. Trash on the highways is hazardous to drivers, the...
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January 27, 2022
VTA Rolls Toward Cleaner, Greener Future Fleet
A grant award made official by the California Energy Commission's Clean Transportation Program on January 26 brings VTA a big step closer to transitioning to a newer, quieter, greener and zero...
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