
January 19, 2022
Downtown Transportation Plan Ready for Your Feedback
(This article was contributed by VTA Senior Transportation Planner Adam Burger) Imagine a Downtown San José designed to be more sustainable, to combat climate change, to decrease vehicle miles...
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October 18, 2021
Helping to Keep Santa Clara Valley Beautiful
When the Los Angeles Rams come to town to take on the home team November 15, they‘ll be bringing more than their game plans for football. The team is helping to beautify communities wherever they go...
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September 14, 2021
CEC Proposes Funding for Groundbreaking VTA Fleet Electrification Project
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is included on a funding proposal list to receive a $4.68 million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to fund a groundbreaking fleet...
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June 30, 2021
Vanpool Subsidy With VTA
It’s like a carpool…only bigger. Vanpools are gaining in popularity as Bay Area commuters become increasingly frustrated with heavy traffic. Now, VTA is making it more affordable for vanpoolers to pay...
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June 25, 2021
VTA Awarded Two Prestigious Grants for Sustainability Work
This article was contributed by Transportation Planner Aiko Cuenco and Senior Environmental Planner Lani Lee Ho VTA is honored to be selected as a recipient of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Sustainable...
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April 21, 2021
Here's What We're Doing for Sustainability. Join Us!
This post was contributed by VTA's Environmental Team. Sustainability is an integral part of the operation and delivery of accessible, community-focused, and innovative transportation services. As we...
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March 30, 2021
VTA’s Berryessa Transit Center Honored for Commitment to Sustainability
VTA’s Berryessa Transit Center has been awarded the Envision Platinum Award by The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) awards program. The Envision Platinum award recognizes the...
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October 01, 2020
Celebrate Clean Air Day on Oct. 7 (and every day!)
With all the fires creating smoke pollution and the recent heatwaves in the Bay Area, one can truly appreciate clean air now more than ever! Despite these environmental hazards, we can still do our...
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June 11, 2020
Blue Skies Ahead with VTA’s BART Berryessa Extension!
Solutions that move you: that’s what VTA is all about... And how you move matters! VTA is committed to providing more sustainable transportation options for all residents, commuters, and visitors of...
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