
August 23, 2023
Innovating Infrastructure at Newly Configured Interchange
If you’ve driven through the US 101/De La Cruz Blvd./Trimble Rd. Interchange lately, you may have noticed that the traffic signals look unusual and wondered why that is. The installment of new...
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August 21, 2023
VTA Lays Out Process for the Construction Transportation Management Plans
To meet the environmental commitments of VTA’s BART Phase II Extension Project, VTA developed and is implementing a Construction Outreach Management Program (COMP). The purpose of the COMP is to...
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July 21, 2023
Bascom Complete Streets Project Receives Construction Funding
The plan to transform parts of Bascom Avenue into a major thoroughfare serving all modes of transportation received a multi-million dollar boost from the State of California. A $39 million grant was...
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July 07, 2023
What is the West Portal and What will be Happening There?
In just a few months, VTA’s Tunnel and Trackwork Contractor will begin early construction activities to prepare for the arrival of what’s known as “a Tunnel Boring Machine” (TBM), which is a massive...
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June 22, 2023
In Case You Missed It! Monterey Corridor Community-Based Transportation Plan
The Monterey Corridor Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) focuses on improving mobility options along Monterey Road and within designated project boundaries along Alma Avenue to the north, and...
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June 16, 2023
VTA Lays Out Business Resource Program for BART Extension
Details of VTA's plan to support San Jose's and Santa Clara's small business communities during the construction of Silicon Valley's BART extension project were presented at the VTA Board of Directors...
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June 14, 2023
VTA’s Business Resource Program in the Works!
Among the many moving parts of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project (BSVII) are meticulous plans to support small businesses who may experience some disruption during construction of...
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June 07, 2023
US 101/Blossom Hill Road Interchange Improvement Project Wins 2023 Transportation Award
Each year the California Transportation Foundation (CTF) awards the coveted Transportation Awards to the top project teams in the state. We are proud to announce that the 34th annual CTF Awards...
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May 23, 2023
VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project Preparing for Early Construction Activities at VTA’s Newhall Yard
In preparation for construction of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project, VTA’s tunnel and trackwork contractor, Kiewit, Shea, Traylor (KST) developed a Construction Transportation...
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