
May 05, 2021
UPDATE: 5-10-21, Hamilton Light Rail Station Now Open After Maintenance
Work has been completed at the Hamilton Light Rail Station with improvements to the track, platform and retaining wall. The elevated station is at the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Creekside Way...
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May 03, 2021
COVID Vaccines Available at Santa Teresa Light Rail Station
VTA is continuing efforts to assist in enabling every eligible Santa Clara County resident to be vaccinated against COVID-19, with a permanent vaccine site set up at the Santa Teresa Light Rail...
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April 28, 2021
Reward Offered in Operator Attack
A three-thousand-dollar reward is now being offered for information leading to the apprehension of the person who attacked a VTA bus operator with a bow and arrow. The operator was shot in the back as...
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April 27, 2021
VTA Partners with County to Get Isolated Seniors and Disabled Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Seniors and those with disabilities who are isolated and have few mobility resources can now get a free roundtrip ride to a COVID vaccination clinic where the paratransit driver will wait while the...
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March 30, 2021
VTA’s Berryessa Transit Center Honored for Commitment to Sustainability
VTA’s Berryessa Transit Center has been awarded the Envision Platinum Award by The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) awards program. The Envision Platinum award recognizes the...
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March 26, 2021
National Day of Action and Healing: #StopAsianHate
Today, March 26, is a National Day of Action and Healing to stop hate against the Asian Pacific Islander community. VTA stands in solidarity with those working to stop the rising tide of violence that...
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March 17, 2021
Racism on VTA Property - Or Anywhere - is Not Acceptable
At VTA, we strive to create a safe and welcome environment for all people who ride or work on our buses, trains and use our stations. VTA condemns the hateful, racist attack carried out March 10 at...
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February 10, 2021
VTA Service to Levi’s Stadium COVID-19 Vaccination Site
The state’s largest COVID-19 vaccination site, Levi’s Stadium, is a central stop on VTA’s light rail system. With a temporary “no fare required” policy in place, passengers have access to free...
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January 27, 2021
Workshop Lays Out VTA's Complex Budget Process
VTA’s Board members, the majority of which are newly appointed this year, received a briefing on the agency’s complex financial situation at a special workshop January 22. The workshop was intended to...
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