
April 26, 2018
Recommended Funding for Traffic Relief in Santa Clara County
The California Transportation Commission (CTC) staff recommendations for funding from Senate Bill 1, the newly passed California gas tax, bode well for Silicon Valley transportation needs. All four...
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April 19, 2018
VTA Electric Buses Will Use Pioneering Charging Technology
As VTA prepares to roll out brand new, all-electric buses, we are teaming up with Prospect Silicon Valley, and Bay Area tech companies to pilot a cutting-edge system that will manage charging those...
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December 06, 2017
VTA to Further Analyze Tunnel Design for BART Silicon Valley Phase II
Phase II of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley is reaching a critical phase in the environmental clearance process. On Thursday, December 7, VTA staff will present to the VTA Board of Directors next steps to...
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November 07, 2017
VTA to Increase Fares, Offer Free Two-Hour Transfers, Lower Youth Fare, and Extend Service in January 2018
Beginning January 1, 2018, VTA will implement its new fare structure and phase in elements of its New Transit Service. VTA’s new fare policy includes Youth Fares dropping from $1.75 to $1.00 per ride...
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June 02, 2016
VTA Board Unanimously Approves Transportation Sales Tax for November Ballot
At the June 2, 2016 meeting, the VTA Board of Directors unanimously adopted the framework and funding amounts for a ½-cent 30-year sales tax measure on the November 8, 2016 ballot to help fund...
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