
September 21, 2020
Bus Simulator: A High-Tech Aid to Driver Training
It’s called the “MB-2000”. A fitting name for its futuristic nature of putting you “in the driver’s seat” literally. The latest tool VTA is using to help bus drivers sharpen their skills to maneuver...
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September 21, 2020
Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
This is Rail Safety Week across the United States, with a goal of raising awareness on how to stay safe around railways, including VTA light rail. Every year, in North America, 2100 people are killed...
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September 14, 2020
Bike Safely Around the Rails – Don’t Let Your Guard Down
Because so many people are working from home these days, and “Bike to Work Day” just wouldn’t work very well…the whole month of September is dedicated to biking…wherever! Also this month, VTA is...
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September 08, 2020
Cars and Trains Don't Mix - Don't Let Your Guard Down!
Did you know that California leads the nation in the number of fatalities and injuries of people who “trespass” on railroad tracks? “Trespassing” in the rail industry means “being on the tracks when...
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August 31, 2020
dis·trac·tion /dəˈstrakSH(ə)n/ Noun - a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
September is National Rail Safety Month, and even though safety is our primary concern all year long, this observance provides a great opportunity to remind you: “Don’t Let Your Guard Down.” These...
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August 19, 2020
VTA and Bay Area Transit Agencies Unveil 'Healthy Transit Plan'
As riders begin to return to public transportation in the Bay Area, surveys show that passengers want to be assured transit vehicles are clean and that steps are taken to ensure a healthy operation...
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July 07, 2020
The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing a Face Covering
Make sure they properly fit over the nose and mouth Face coverings have been required on VTA for several months now and the mandate is Point 2 of our 10-Point Plan to Strengthen Trust in Transit...
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July 01, 2020
VTA’s 10-Point Plan to Strengthen Trust in Transit
Plan emphasizes that VTA is clean, safe and consistent In an effort to strengthen the public’s trust and level of comfort in riding VTA buses and trains, an internal recovery task force working group...
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June 02, 2020
Generosity Keeping VTA Employees Safe
The Valley Transportation Authority takes pride in serving Santa Clara County residents, employees, students and visitors. During this trying time, we are heartened by the support we have received in...
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