VTA's BART Phase II Contracting


VTA's BART Phase II Project will be the largest infrastructure project to be constructed in Santa Clara County. VTA is reimagining how urban transit projects are constructed with the single bore tunneling concept - the first of its kind in the United States. 

Ensuring that potential contractors understand the scope of the project, as well as the unique opportunities it will present, is of paramount importance to VTA. We encourage any contractor interested in participating in VTA's BART Phase II Project to register to do business with VTA in order to receive timely notifications on any upcoming bids or requests for information. 

To view solicitations for VTA's BART Phase II Project, visit our solicitations page.

Tunnel and Trackwork Contract (CP2)

During the May 2022 VTA Board of Directors meeting, the Board awarded Kiewit Shea Traylor, a joint venture between Kiewit Infrastructure West Co, JF Shea Construction, Inc., and Traylor Brothers Construction (KSTJV), the tunnel and trackwork contract for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project. One of KSTJV’s initial tasks was to coordinate with VTA and other stakeholders to identify, analyze, and refine tunnel and trackwork innovations. Additional tasks include advancing design, scheduling construction related activities, procurement of the tunnel boring machine (TBM), and site preparation including construction of the west portal where the TBM will be launched to build the five-mile tunnel. 

framework to completion schedule
Contract Package 1: Systems

The scope of the Systems Contract (CP1) is in the following two categories:  Guideway Systems and Facility Systems.  Guideway System includes project-wide elements such as traction power, train control, communication, emergency ventilation systems etc.  Facility Systems include systems in the passenger stations such as HVAC, plumbing, drainage, lighting, power, fire protection etc.

The Systems Contractor will be responsible for design, procurement, receipt and store owner-furnished materials, factory test, installation, field tests and integration testing of all system elements. 

Contract Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build 

Contract Package 2: Tunnel and Trackwork

Contract Package 2 (CP 2) includes a 5-mile long bored single bore tunnel extending from the terminus south of the recently opened Berryessa/North San José station, through downtown San José along Santa Clara St, to the proposed Newhall Maintenance Facility in the City of Santa Clara. The tunnel will be approximately 43 feet internal diameter which will provide for two BART trainways and will allow for the station platforms for Downtown San José and Diridon Stations to be constructed within the tunnel. The contract will include procurement of the Tunnel Boring Machine, utility relocations, portal enabling works & permanent structures, manufacturing & installation of the precast tunnel lining, construction of internal tunnel structures, construction of several ancillary ventilation/egress facilities, support of excavation of the 28th Street/Little Portugal station and track installation. 

Contract Delivery Method: Progressive Design-Build 

Contract Package 3: Newhall Yard and Santa Clara Station

Contract Package 3 (CP 3) includes the Newhall Yard Maintenance Facility, yard track and contact rail, auxiliary buildings, civil site restoration and demobilization, and the full construction of the at-grade Santa Clara Station along with a 500-space parking garage and required transit access facilities. The yard and maintenance facilities will be designed in accordance with specifications and requirements developed by the VTA/BART Rail System Organization. The Santa Clara Station is a typical at-grade station, like many other BART stations (e.g.: Warm Springs and Millbrae).

Contract Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build 

Contract Package 4: Underground Stations 

Contract Package 4 (CP 4) includes three underground stations: 28th Street/Little Portugal, Downtown San José (DTSJ), and Diridon along with their associated headhouse, ancillary facilities, and street-level improvements. Transit-oriented development is planned for all stations.

Scope elements generally include: Site demolition utility relocations as required; ground improvement; excavation and support of excavation (SOE); waterproofing; placement of structural concrete; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC); mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP); conveyance systems; ventilation and egress shafts, utility connections, civil site restoration; architecture and landscaping.

Contract Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build 

Register to do business with VTA

Vendors are encouraged to register with VTA to receive information on future solicitations. Visit our Business Center for more information.

Industry Forum

On February 11, 2020, VTA hosted an Industry Forum for contractors, primes, DBEs and SBEs to learn more about the project and contracting details, as well as network with potential Primes and VTA Procurement. Over 400 contractors were in attendance. In the next year, VTA intends to host additional workshops to prepare potential contractors to participate in the procurement process. 

Other Considerations

Project Requirements, Standards & Design Criteria

Project requirements, design criteria, and standards will be developed for each contract. These will be prepared and approved by VTA and BART, provided at the time of solicitation.

Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP)

This Project will be insured through Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) also referred to as a “wrap-up”. This type of a program is project specific. The sponsor of the insurance program will be the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). Enrolled Participants will generally include all contractors and subcontractors of every tier involved with on-site project construction.

Project Labor Agreement (PLA)

It is recognized that on projects with multiple contractors and bargaining units on the job site at the same time over an extended period of time, the potential for work disruption is substantial unless there is a shared overriding commitment to maintain continuity of work. As such, VTA is finalizing the execution of a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with contractors and subcontractors of all tiers from Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council and its affiliated local Unions. The PLA will apply to VTA contracts of $2 million and above as will all work on same site as contracts. The PLA is not intended to replace, interfere with, abrogate, diminish or modify existing local or national collective bargaining agreements in effect during the duration of the Project. 

Geotechnical Investigations

VTA has a robust general understanding of subsurface conditions along the project alignment, based on several hundred exploratory borings drilled over the past twenty years including recent significant efforts on characterization of the Silver Creek Fault which crosses the alignment. Investigations have continued through the last few years with a Geotechnical Data Report and Geotechnical Baseline Report to be provided to proposers at time of solicitation.

Utility Investigations

Through the course of the last twenty years, over one thousand potholes and gravity line utility investigations have been performed identifying actual locations of critical utilities and flow line elevations to inform designs and development of an extensive database of as-built utility date.
Right of Way The Right-of-Way (ROW) acquisition process for the project is underway with identification and characterization of required fee takes and easements substantially complete; approximately 80 acquisitions have been determined. VTA already owns two major sites required for the project: the Newhall Yard (site for future Newhall Yard and Santa Clara Station) and the VTA Block in Downtown San José.

Third Party Agreements

Twenty-one third-party agreements and permits have been identified for delivery of this project. This includes public agencies, transit and transportation agencies, regulatory agencies, and private utility owners. Development of agreements are underway with those identified as critical, close to being executed. VTA is actively working and meeting with each of the third parties regarding these agreements.