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Headway Blog

January 03, 2024
Ask VTA Returns for a Full Lineup in 2024
Since the first Ask VTA held in December 2022, the educational series has quickly become a favorite of both staff and participants. The ongoing series allows those involved to have deep and meaningful...
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December 29, 2023
Riding transit is more affordable with Clipper START
The Clipper START pilot program provides fare discounts for adult single rides on multiple transit systems around the Bay Area. The program is administered by MTC in partnership with Bay Area transit...
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December 26, 2023
Free Ride on New Year’s Eve
Celebrate the New Year and leave the driving to us! VTA will continue the tradition of providing free bus (Route 500) and light rail service (Blue Line, Green Line, and Orange Line) in collaboration...
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Stacey Hendler Ross

Stacey Hendler Ross
Public Information Officer

Sandra Bermudez
Sandra Bermudez
Media Spokesperson
Marina Chakmakjian

Marina Chakmakjian
Media Spokesperson 


License for Video and Photos on VTA Property

When a license is required

VTA requires those who wish to film, videotape or shoot still photos on VTA property while engaged in a commercial, non-profit activity or for educational purposes to have a license to film, video, or photograph.

VTA External Affairs Department issues licenses. VTA charges a fee based on the scope of the filming; the fee includes staff time as indicated in the Permit Fee Schedule (see below). Proof of liability insurance will be required prior to license approval. A VTA staff member will escort those without a license off VTA property.

When a license is not required

Non-commercial, personal use photography and news media are exempt from the requirement to obtain a license.

If you are a paying passenger, then there is no specific prohibition to taking photographs in areas that are accessible to the public provided you do not interfere with passenger movement, appear to be a security threat, or involved in a commercial activity.

However, if you are taking photographs in an unauthorized area or are involved in a commercial enterprise, VTA staff or security may ask you to identify yourself and possibly escort you off VTA property if your activity requires a license.

 If you require a license
  • The approval process takes up to 10 days from receipt of application.
  • A fee will be determined based on your specific filming request.
  • VTA will not issue licenses until all fees are paid in full and a copy of your insurance certificate is received.

Download the Application to Film/Photograph, Insurance and Other Requirements and Application to Film/Photograph Request (see below).

Complete the application with details of the activity including date and location of filming requested, number of filming crew, equipment used, etc. Email or fax your application to or fax to (408) 321-7537.

Download Forms

Public Records Request

Public Records Request

To request for public records information, please use the electronic Public Records Request form. You may also contact VTA through:


Office of the Board Secretary
3331 N. First Street
San Jose, CA   95134


(408) 321-5680