
January 10, 2024
VTA Offers Free Rides to Santa Clara County Warming Centers
With temperatures dropping, VTA is offering free fares to people who are traveling to or from Santa Clara County Warming Centers from Wednesday, January 10, 2024, through Friday, January 12, 2024...
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December 05, 2023
Father And Son Improve Student Safety In Mountain View
Mountain View, CA - Ryan Chen, a Life Scout in Troop 30 Los Altos, Pacific Skyline Council, Boy Scouts of America (BSA), and a sophomore at Mountain View High School, is undertaking an impactful Eagle...
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October 20, 2023
Weigh In on Development at Capitol Light Rail Station
Join VTA, along with our development partner MidPen Housing, for an in-person community open house. Your ideas will help shape the future of South San Jose as VTA's Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)...
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August 31, 2023
Rail Safety is OUR Priority
September is Rail Safety Month, and VTA has a new mantra for you to commit to memory: "See Tracks? Think Train." Safety around trains is a collective effort, a partnership between us and you—our...
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August 09, 2023
As the School Year Begins, VTA Urges Drivers to Slow Down
As students begin the new school year, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is blanketing Santa Clara County with reminders to drivers: “Slow Down! Keep Families Safe.” VTA introduced...
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July 21, 2023
Bascom Complete Streets Project Receives Construction Funding
The plan to transform parts of Bascom Avenue into a major thoroughfare serving all modes of transportation received a multi-million dollar boost from the State of California. A $39 million grant was...
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June 22, 2023
In Case You Missed It! Monterey Corridor Community-Based Transportation Plan
The Monterey Corridor Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) focuses on improving mobility options along Monterey Road and within designated project boundaries along Alma Avenue to the north, and...
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April 25, 2023
Call 988 for Mental Health Crisis - County of Santa Clara Teams Up with VTA to Get the Word Out
From the County of Santa Clara Office of Public Affairs The County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services Department (BHSD) has teamed up with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)...
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March 27, 2023
Bus Stop Makeover – The Next Cycle of the Better Bus Stops Program
VTA is continuing to invest in upgrades to its transit network and has increased efforts to show greater commitment to bus riders and attract new ones by making its facilities more appealing. In 2020...
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