
July 21, 2021
Help Shape the Future of Transportation
VTA’s Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) considers and advocates for smart, well-thought-out transportation policies and initiatives. The committee then advises the full VTA Board of Directors on those...
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July 20, 2021
How Are Your 2016 Measure B Taxes Being Spent?
We encourage you to tune in to an upcoming public hearing to see how your 2016 Measure B taxes are being put to use. (This meeting was rescheduled from May 26, 2021.) Santa Clara County voters...
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July 08, 2021
Community Workforce Agreement Highlighted in VTA Projects
For the first time, VTA has included an element in a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) specifically designed to lift people out of poverty. “The new Project Labor Agreement will open new doors to our...
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July 08, 2021
Getting Light Rail Back on Track
This blog post was updated on August 25 at 12:45 p.m. to indicate that VTA has entered into Phase 4 of the reopening plan. We know our light rail passengers are eager to see the trains running again...
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June 30, 2021
Vanpool Subsidy With VTA
It’s like a carpool…only bigger. Vanpools are gaining in popularity as Bay Area commuters become increasingly frustrated with heavy traffic. Now, VTA is making it more affordable for vanpoolers to pay...
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June 30, 2021
Two Dozen New Bus Operators Will Help Post Pandemic Service Recovery
Starting Monday morning, a whole new class of bus operators will roam the streets of Santa Clara County taking passengers to work, doctor appointments, or wherever they need to go. Twenty-two brand...
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June 25, 2021
VTA Awarded Two Prestigious Grants for Sustainability Work
This article was contributed by Transportation Planner Aiko Cuenco and Senior Environmental Planner Lani Lee Ho VTA is honored to be selected as a recipient of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Sustainable...
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June 22, 2021
VTA Resumes Charging Fares to Vaccination Sites July 1
As Santa Clara County reaches a pivotal 80% COVID-19 vaccination rate, VTA will return to charging regular fare for all passengers beginning July 1. For the past four months, rides to any vaccination...
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June 16, 2021
US 101/SR 25 Interchange Project Draws Interest
The June 9 virtual meeting to discuss the US 101/SR 25 Phase 1 Project drew dozens of interested attendees. You can click here to read more about what's planned, and below is a review of some of the...
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