
June 08, 2022
VivaCalleSJ is June 12
School’s out for the summer and Viva CalleSJ is the perfect way to celebrate! Viva CalleSJ’s “Parks to Roses” is happening on Sunday, June 12th. Enjoy a gorgeous day outside as you bike, skate, walk...
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June 02, 2022
The Montague Expressway Pedestrian Overcrossing Wins Two Awards
The Montague Expressway Pedestrian Overcrossing (MPOC) won the California Transportation Foundation (CTF) Active Transportation Project of the Year Award and the 2022 Excellent Engineering Award of...
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May 16, 2022
May is Bike to Wherever Month!
Whether you bike to work or bike for pleasure, biking provides a green way to ride to your favorite destinations like the park, the store, or wherever your heart desires. Biking is not only healthy...
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April 06, 2022
Adult Bicycle Education Classes Now Available!
It’s never too late to learn the fundamentals of riding a bike! VTA is pleased to announce adult bicycle education courses in partnership with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC). The classes...
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January 19, 2022
Downtown Transportation Plan Ready for Your Feedback
(This article was contributed by VTA Senior Transportation Planner Adam Burger) Imagine a Downtown San José designed to be more sustainable, to combat climate change, to decrease vehicle miles...
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December 09, 2021
Public invited to comment on Central Bikeway Feasibility Study
After three previous rounds of public engagement and analysis, the community is once again invited to collaborate and provide feedback on the Central Bikeway Study draft report and conceptual design...
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December 01, 2021
Adult Bicycle Education Classes Coming Soon
It is never too late to learn something new! If you'd like to take advantage of Santa Clara County's growing network of active transportation routes, VTA is partnering with the Silicon Valley Bicycle...
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November 23, 2021
VTA Joins Celebration for Long Awaited Bike/Ped Bridge
The celebrated opening of the new Highway 101 pedestrian/bike bridge at Adobe Creek in Palo Alto included a host of supporters, including those who helped provide the resources to get the job done...
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October 21, 2021
Nine New Projects Aimed at Emissions Reduction Slated for Funding Approval
A slate of new clean air-focused transportation improvements in Santa Clara County may be coming soon. VTA’s Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee recommended Board approval of nine...
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