Currently, VTA has more than 200 bike lockers available to transit users at light rail stops, Caltrain stations, Park & Ride lots, and transit centers across its system. Now 20 to 30 years old, many of these bike lockers are decaying or otherwise inaccessible. Starting Fall 2024, all existing VTA lockers are set to be removed and replaced with 199 new on-demand eLockers. Each locker provides two separate bicycle parking spaces, creating a total of 398 bicycle parking spaces.
Project Goals:
- Replace VTA’s outdated lockers with network enabled, electronic, on-demand bike...
Currently, VTA has more than 200 bike lockers available to transit users at light rail stops, Caltrain stations, Park & Ride lots, and transit centers across its system. Now 20 to 30 years old, many of these bike lockers are decaying or otherwise inaccessible. Starting Fall 2024, all existing VTA lockers are set to be removed and replaced with 199 new on-demand eLockers. Each locker provides two separate bicycle parking spaces, creating a total of 398 bicycle parking spaces.
Project Goals:
- Replace VTA’s outdated lockers with network enabled, electronic, on-demand bike parking system.
- Improve security for parked bicycles.
- Increase locker usage and improve VTA ridership.
- Reduce waiting lists for locker rentals and improve overall rental rates.
- Reduce VTA’s maintenance costs while providing new well-maintained bike parking for customers.
- Reduce VTA’s customer support costs while providing timely, responsive service to customers.
- Improve sustainable transportation and access to VTA’s station.
- Provide locker maintenance and operations services and an online customer facing portal.
Replacement begins in fall 2024 and all lockers in VTA’s system will be replaced by end of 2025. Be advised – bike lockers will be out of commission for 3-4 days during the removal and installation process. The detailed locker replacement schedule will be shared on this page as it becomes available.
Installation will be split into two defined phases.
Phase I: In the first phase, VTA will replace lockers at high-demand locations (locations with waiting lists for locker rentals).
Phase II: Approximately 100 lockers will be delivered and installed by June 1, 2025.
In most places, new electronic lockers will be placed in the same location as those that had been removed. In some locations, new lockers may be installed in a different section of the designated parking lot.
All new lockers will be available on an on-demand basis for 5 cents an hour. Individuals who have been renting mechanical lockers can contact Customer Service at 408-321-2300 or email customer.service@vta.org about refunding security deposits.
Phase I: Schedule
Location: | Start Date | End Date |
Great America ACE Station | Signage on order | Signage on order |
Cottle Station | Signage on order | Signage on order |
Gilroy Caltrain Station | Signage on order | Signage on order |
Morgan Hill Caltrain Station | 2/12/2025 | 2/15/2025 |
Winchester Transit Center | 2/17/2025 | 2/21/2025 |
Blossom Hill LRT Station | 1/24/2025 | 1/28/2025 |
Community outreach
In addition to the replacement of bike lockers at existing sites, VTA will also be receiving additional lockers with no predetermined destination. In Spring/Summer 2025, Community Outreach will collaborate with community members and partnered agencies to see where they might like to see bike lockers added.
eLock will develop and lead a communication plan with existing VTA bike locker customers, notifying them in advance of locker replacements. The plan will include a process for notifying on-demand bike locker customers through email notification to exiting locker users, social media announcement of locker upgrades, physical tagging of lockers for removal a week prior to removal, process for working with VTA to address abandoned property left in lockers, and a process to move any remaining parked bicycles to new lockers and inform customers of the change.
How on-demand bike parking works: Watch video
1) Purchase a BikeLink card, link your Clipper card, or sign up with the BikeLink app.
Need to purchase with cash? Pick up a BikeLink card at a local vendor.
2) Insert card, tap your Clipper Card, or open the app on your phone to start the rental
The screen guides you through a very quick process to start your rental. It’s like using a parking meter.
3) Park your bike
Once there is time on the meter, the door opens. Put your bike inside, close the door, and walk away. Your bike remains secure even if the meter expires.
4) End rental
Insert your card, tap your Clipper card, or use your app to end your rental, get your bike.
The locker replacement project is fully funded by MTC’s Safe and Seamless Mobility Quick-Strike Program, which is comprised of several federal funding sources.