
November 16, 2023
Vote for VTA to Win Community-Based Value Awards!
VTA is up for two awards that YOU can help us win! Catalyze SV, a community-based organization that drives engagement to improve our Valley’s housing standards and other environmental concerns, has...
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November 13, 2023
From Vacant to Useful: Transforming 501 Cinnabar Street into Diridon BART's Temporary Parking
VTA is excited that the construction of the temporary replacement parking for the Diridon BART Station is underway! VTA is following through on the Project’s environmental commitments by renovating a...
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November 06, 2023
VTA Purchases the Tunnel Boring Machine for the BSVII Project!
VTA just reached a major milestone with the purchase of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) that will dig the tunnel for the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project (BSVII). The tunnel will contain five...
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October 26, 2023
MTC Completes Regional Funding for VTA’s Silicon Valley BART Extension
On October 25, 2023, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) voted to allocate the $375 million for Phase II of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Project, bringing regional BART service one...
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October 20, 2023
Details of Cost and Schedule Changes for VTA's BART Project
VTA has been working diligently over the past 20 years to deliver the BART extension to Santa Clara County. VTA constructed and opened Phase I, a 10-mile, two-station extension in 2020, and will soon...
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October 16, 2023
Changing Costs of a Mega Infrastructure Project Explained
VTA has been the lead agency responsible for the design, contracting, construction, and successful delivery of transit, mobility, and roadway transportation construction projects since 1976. This...
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October 09, 2023
Transforming Communities Through Transit
BART and the Region The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system significantly enhances the Bay Area's mobility, connecting major hubs and stimulating local economies by boosting local businesses. By...
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October 04, 2023
Community Input Sought on Ways to Reduce Driving from New Development Projects
Can new development projects lead to improved transportation options for your community? With the Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program, VTA seeks to develop a framework where...
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September 25, 2023
Transportation Investments Shape Our Future
What do the Golden Gate Bridge, BART, and even the interstate highway system all have in common? They are all mega capital infrastructure projects, that in today's world of interconnectivity, we could...
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